Too Much Rain!

We are getting way too much rain! Plus we had a snow melt with all of this rain! The yard is a mess! When walking down to the chicken coop, the lawn is so soft and squishy! I had to wear boots because my feet would have gotten drenched with regular footwear just walking across the lawn! No drought here! Areas out front: Our walkway from driveway to front of house! Crazy! Areas out back: I am glad the chicken run is relatively dry! The first year with my chickens, they were all sinking in mud here! I had to add many bags of fine gravel, followed by many bags of sand to raise the ground level a few inches inside the run! It still wasn’t quite enough so I had to add many more bags of sand a couple more times until I could get the ground was raised enough to stay puddle-free! All in all, I raised the ground here about 7 inches from what it was! It was a lot of work! I can’t recall exactly how many bags of gravel plus sand were used. I’m guessing I used about 3...