
Showing posts from December, 2024

Crochet Update

My blanket is coming along slowly but surely, at about one month into it. I ran out of yarn and had to purchase more. I was able to purchase the same brand and color; however, I was not able to get a hold of the same lot for an exact match. There is more blue in the new yarn. I bought the yarn that I started with nearly five years ago. But I think I can still make it work and look alright. I’m going run the same numbers of rows on each end so it will look as though it was intended to change a little on each end. I also plan to crochet a nice border around it with a little bit of light blue yarn incorporated into it.  Here’s the latest, as of December 31. It is currently slightly longer than it is wide. It is about 45 inches long currently. I am guessing it will be about 75-80 inches long when I start the border.  Considering I purchased the same brand and color recently, it is a quite a bit different than the original yarn I purchased about five years ago! I doubt the old yarn...

Crochet Progress Update

My blanket is coming along slowly but surely! Close to two weeks since I started! Might be close to half way done and then I’ll be knitting a border around it.  Today, December 9:  December 5:  December 2: 

Awesome Game Camera Coverage!

So cool! Looks like a young buck with small antlers is teaching this even younger buck with no antlers how to fight! We have seen the young buck with antlers on previous occasions alone and the younger buck is still wandering around with his mother and the two are typically alone. Looks like all 3 might have come together!  Here are mom and younger buck without antlers!  And the young buck with antlers! 

First Snow!

We got about 4-5 inches of snow last night and into today! First snow, aside from a little dusting of snow yesterday that melted soon after.