Temperature System
Tonight is a good test of my new temperature control system inside the hen condo! It’s now 28 degrees outside: And the temperature according to my WiFi temperature sensor system, in the central part of the hen condo, is 35.2 degrees. But I left all 4 windows open so I’m sure the temperature is lower near the windows. Nonetheless, everything is working great! My goal is not to keep them warm; the goal is to prevent frostbite by keeping them at or just above the freezing mark! So far, working great! I’ll only close the windows on frigid nights, when the outside temperature drops below, say, 20 degrees. So, my temperature control system is working well! When it got down to 31 degrees inside the hen condo, the heat lamp was turned on. I have it set to turn off if it reaches 38 degrees. I wanted to be able to track the temperature inside the hen condo from my phone. And I have an alarm set in the app to notify me if the temperature reaches 50 degrees or drops below 2...