So excited about my upgrade! I had a pan tilt WiFi camera, Wansview brand, in the hen condo with two-way sound, and three stationary WiFi cameras, Zmodo brand, covering the run areas that had no sound at all. I changed out the three stationary cameras with three of the same Wansview pan tilt WiFi camera that I have in the hen condo! Now I have great coverage of the run areas too! And I can hear the hens, and if I want to talk to them I can talk through any of the cameras! Not that I plan to do it often, LOL!! But if I have a pissed off hen who’s squawking like mad, I can tell her to knock it off! Or, if there’s a predator that I can see outside the run, trying to get in, I can make some loud human noises to scare it off! What’s nice about having one brand for all four WiFi cameras is the ability to monitor all four in one app, the Wansview app! I can use my iPad for a larger view! But I can view all four at any time on my iPhone too! This is a screen shot of four-camera view...