Treat Time for Hens! Too Funny!


This evening after work, most of my gals had already gone into the hen condo for the night. A bit early if you ask me, but, this is their routine! They like to ensure they are situated for the night once darkness falls. They also like to try to beat one another out for the the best spots on the roosting bars! LOL! 

But something they love more than those great spots on the roosting bars are treats! I store the scratch, dried mealworms and Hentastic oregano and probiotic treats in a metal trash can (safe from critters, with bungie cord and two stones on top of the cover…rodents and squirrels also cannot chew through the metal) and when the hens hear me open the lid, they come running no matter where they are! 

Enjoy the show!! 👍😆😆😆


Hen condo…

Exiting hen condo… 

Running toward the gate where I am…


  1. They're quite the rowdy bunch! ~LOL! Love it!!!

    1. LOL! They hear that metal trash can cover being opened and they know it’s treat time! They sure do love their treats!


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