Covered Wagon Lamp Updates are Complete!

My vintage covered wagon lamp has been completed! The cover was filthy but has been washed and looks like new! It is now spotless! The old, vintage wiring was replaced with modern wiring that is electrically safer. The new wiring accommodates a smaller night light-sized bulb instead of a nearly standard-sized light bulb, thereby reducing the risk of browning to the cover as well as reducing the fire hazard. A couple of broken chains around the wagon were repaired. 

After lots of searching and shopping, two Clydesdale horses, a father, mother, daughter and son have now been added as well! I’m thrilled with the outcome! I had a covered wagon lamp growing up but it was smaller and not equipped with horses or figurines, although I had always wanted to do this!

Well, here it is! I just love it! One of numerous bucket list items completed! For some reason I have always been infatuated with the pioneer days! I sometimes wonder if I lived my first life back then, LOL!  

Some before and after photos! 

Before and after washing the cover:

Old wiring and bulb versus the new: 

Repairs to the broken chains: 

A small article about the company that made the covered wagon lamp. They were not in business for very long and I am not sure how many of this particular model were made: 


  1. Oh wow! It looks as though those horses and dolls came with it originally! This is really awesome!


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