Making Progress on New Party Site!

As noted in one of my previous blogs, I cleared an area in the woods out back just beyond the yard. The purpose was to create an area for gatherings around a camp fire and for camping with our grandson! First I had to clear a huge brush pile so it wouldn’t be a hazard while having a camp fire. It was also removed so we could drive through there with the Polaris. I also dumped shavings from my chicken coop behind the wood pile. So those had to be picked up and moved. Years worth of shavings, but most had completely decomposed so there wasn’t too much to move, thankfully. Still quite a bit but doable! I probably filled the wheelbarrow 5 or 6 times. The new location is behind the brush pile where I moved all of the brush to, which is in a better location, out of the way. The new brush pile is humongous now because I also cleaned up another brush pile and moved it here. And I was adding more as I worked in the trails. So it’s massive! But nice to have it all in one place! After the br...