Bubble Pop


When I’m not out working on the trails, taking care of chickens, riding one of my toys (Polaris, quad or motorcycle), kayaking, etc; I enjoy Bubble Pop during down time! LOL!! I have, again, reached the highest level possible and am waiting for more levels to be added! I started playing Bubble Pop during the pandemic and found it relaxing (for the most part) and was thrilled when I got through all available levels. While I waited for more levels to be added, I started replaying any levels that I had only achieved 1-2/3 stars in an attempt to achieve as many 3-star games as possible until more levels were added. More levels were eventually added, I got through those and went back to any 1-2/3 star games again. Every month or so they add more levels for me to work on and I just got through the most recent additional levels! Will be going back to try for 3 stars on any 1-2/3 star games, until the next levels are added! Finished playing for the moment as I have more trail work to do today! But when I’m done with that, and tired this evening, I’ll be relaxing with some more Bubble Pop! 


  1. My own personal preference is 'Crossword Jam'! I've never tried 'Bubble Pop' before!

  2. Hi Sis! I’ve tried crossword games too but not sure I tried Crossword Jam yet! You should try Bubble Pop! It’s so fun! LOL!
    Commenting from my phone so I couldn’t log in to comment!


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