Latest Purchases for Me!

Although most purchases have been for my Grandson, I’ve made some purchases for myself too! 

New seat cushions for my Adirondack bench! 

New bird bath! The birds often use the one out in my front garden quite so I felt the need to buy a second one for my garden out back! 

And the one out front! 

And I LOVE these solar lighted flowers! My daughter-in law has some and I just had to get some for myself too! They are in my garden out front! They look so pretty at night when lit! 

I love this mini Keurig! When I go to my son’s for a visit I bring this with me because I don’t like their coffee and coffee maker. Their coffee maker is more for capuccini, which to me, sucks! They love it but I don’t, LOL! I also take this with me when we go away for vacation! So handy! 

And for working on the trails, I bought a new shovel, which I have already used extensively! 

And this tow strap has also been used extensively on my Polaris to move huge rocks and boulders, as well as huge tree stumps! One of the best investments I’ve made! 

This kit is great for sharpening the chain on my chain saw! 

I also purchased this for my Polaris to protect the bed when I’m using it to carry equipment or when the dogs sit back there when going for a ride! 

And this new hitch for my Polaris is on the way! I didn’t need the ball for it as my little yard cart trailers will mount right to this with a pin! Can’t wait to put this on my Polaris so I can use the yard carts! Will be here on a Monday! 


  1. You always find the best things for the outdoors! That liner is a 'must have' -no doubt!

  2. Thank you, Sis! Yes, the liner is great for protecting the bed of the Polaris! It protects from scratches when the dogs are back there for a ride, and it seems to provide more traction for them too! It’s so fun shopping but costly too, LOL!!
    Commenting from my phone so I couldn’t log in to comment!


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