More Trail Work!


Made some more enhancements to the wooded trails out back this week! Removed a HUGE brush pile that had been there for several years that we kept adding to. It was about 8 feet high and at least 5 feet wide at its largest diameter. Lots of large limbs and small trees intertwined as well. It was a lot of work but well worth it! New brush pile where I moved everything is in a much better location, out of the way! 

I also had been dumping shavings from my chicken coop behind the brush pile. So I shoveled it all up and moved it behind the new brush pile. I cut a bunch of brush to form a short path to where it will now be dumped. And what’s nice is it’s actually closer to the chicken coop, but not too close! So the area where the brush pile was is nice and clean now! Looks amazing! 

The trail going around it was ok, but now this bypass through the area where the brush and used chicken shavings were is awesome! Much easier to access the trail heading out back when on the Polaris! 

Across from where the brush pile was has also been cleared! Still more work to do but I cleared all of the thick brush there! There’s still more work to do but the back-breaking work is pretty much done! Some trees need to be cut down and a little more ground work is needed; such as some removal of more roots, as well as removal of some small stumps and rocks. I plan to put a fire pit there so trees in the area have to go. I will dig down below the root layers, down to more dirt/sand layers in a circle and then fill it with sand and then add rocks around the perimeter. There’s plenty of room for the picnic table, some benches that I plan to move there, as well as my hammock chair on C-arm, etc. 

I wish I had taken before pictures for this huge project! Darn! But here is what it looks like now! 

This area was all thick brush!

We don’t have many pine trees on our property…Mostly hardwood trees. So I saved this little guy! 

I love it! No more thick brush! Once the fire pit is there and the rest of the ground work is done, we’ll be able to do a little camping with our grandson here! Probably not this summer but next summer for sure! Plus, he’s still a little young this year, now 2 years and 4 months old. Next year he’ll be 3 so he’ll be the perfect age! 

This is about where the fire pit will go. This tree needs to go but it’s going to be a challenging one as far as removing the stump after I cut it down! Not looking forward to it but it has to be completely removed! 

Little path to where I moved the used chicken coop shavings. Easy access! 

View from where the brush pile and chicken shavings used to be , out to the new clearing! 

Not looking forward to removing this tree! But it needs to go as this is where the fire pit needs to go! 

This is where the huge brush pile and chicken shavings used to be! GONE! Yay! Can drive right through here now with the Polaris! 

Another view of the new clearing! 


  1. You need a Skid Steer like Joe and Kelly have! You'd be able to clear those paths out in a fraction of the time! Do you have any rentals in the surrounding areas??? You're doing a fabulous job!!!

  2. I think you’re right! I looked into renting equipment: Home Depot rents various things and they deliver and pick up. But Hubby and son said to hire someone because I’d probably waste a day of rental just learning how to use it! I also have to make sure that whatever I rent will be small enough to use on all of the trails. There are some spots that are more narrow due to HUGE trees that are too big for me to cut down. Not too bad for the Polaris but might not accommodate some equipment getting through. But I definitely don’t want to rent something without getting advise from Hubby or my son! And both say no; hire someone! But that’s costly so I haven’t looked into it. But, most of the work is done now anyway! But definitely would be great to get in there with something to make the trails much cleaner!
    Commenting from my phone so I couldn’t log in to comment!


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