Adding Another Door to the Brooder
In the last few weeks, I have made several changes for my hens. I do love projects like this, especially anything involving carpentry!
Previously I built a brooder to use for gradually introducing new pullets into the existing flock. I also have used it as a sick bay for ill hens as needed.
I recently added another door to the brooder! I found it challenging to reach certain areas inside the brooder through the existing doors. And this new door makes all of the difference for sure!!!
But, first, I'll show you the initial building of the brooder. It was built to fit on top of my feeding station, which is why one side is higher that the other, based on the alignment needed with the roof of the run.
Then I stained it with a solid stain, Barn Red!
This past week, I removed hardware mesh from the side, saved it to use on the new door, built the frame, added the mesh, and hung it with hinges, and added the bolt lock. Initially I stained it with solid blue stain since I had not realized that I had no more solid barn red stain. I figured I'd do a coat of solid stain, then change it later when I had the chance to run to the store to get the right color!
Hardware mesh removed from where the door would be hung:
New door hung, stained blue for the time-being. Actually, glad I did this as it makes it easier to see the new door in the photos, LOL!!!
The new door has since been stained in solid barn red stain! It covered the blue with no issues, with just one coat for the most part. Once it dried, I touched up some spots with a second coat (very little needed). Also added the handle; the same handle that the other doors all have.
My brooder was also wicked FILTHY!!! With the new door, clean up was a breeze! And the white PVC sheet for the floor made clean up sooooo easy! I love that stuff! Cleans up real nice!
BEFORE (disgusting!):
AND, AFTER (beautiful!):
That's all, folks!!!!!
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