New Flock Members!

A couple of weeks ago I built the new hen condo so I could accommodate more hens, Today I introduced some new members to the hen flock! I had 6 hens and added 5 more! I had a white leghorn (white eggs), red sexlink (brown eggs), 2 true blues (blue eggs), and 2 others that I don’t know what they are, LOL! They lay white eggs. Anyway, added 2 RI Reds (brown eggs), another white leghorn (white eggs), a barred rock (brown eggs) and an easter egger (blue eggs). I wanted 6 but the guy only had 5 left. This time of year it’s a bit more challenging to get chickens, especially hens. But I’m happy with my 11 hens. I’ll likely get a few more in the spring. 

I usually put new hens in part of my chicken house (smaller one), with small run and sleeping area above, to keep them separated from the existing flock for a few days. The new and existing members can see one another and interact safely to become familiar with one another and then, when I think they’re ready, I reopen the chicken house to all of them so the new flock can explore and mingle with the others. But I decided to release the new hens right in with the others, and it was successful! No battles! All went well! Strength in numbers for sure! Usually I only add a couple of new hens at a time. But it went really well! 

Tonight I ran out to check on them to make sure the new members found a place to settle in for the night, preferable in the hen condo where there is plenty of space for them all. 3 of the 5 new hens were in the hen condo with the rest of my existing flock. But 2 were still down in the run. They started clucking when I arrived. It was too dark for them to find their way. I had my phone and turned on the flashlight app and shined it at the door of the hen condo. Once they had light, they went right up into the hen condo for the night, and up on the roosting bars. They seemed very pleased with the accommodations! One of my pre-existing hens prefers to sleep in the little hen house, my red sexlink, for some reason. Not sure why. But 10 of the 11 were all in the hen condo when I left them for the night! Success! 

Thrilled with my expanded flock! And thrilled with my new hen condo too! Plenty big enough and it looks as though it might accommodate a few more! But up to 12 chickens is more than enough for us! 


Just checked on my hens this morning and all is going well! The old and new members are getting along for the most part with little squawks here and there. My older members used to have disagreements among themselves here and there too. Nothing out of the ordinary for sure! 

AND! I got my first egg of the day, AND, it was definitely from one of my new hens! A shade of brown, and size, that I have never seen with my older hens! AND the new hen found the nesting box and laid there! Smart gal!! Hopefully the other new hens will find it too! Can’t wait to go out there later to see the eggs for the day! Exciting!! 


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