Nor’easter, Saturday, 1/29/21

First big storm of the season! And I love having my WiFi cams to check on my hens! I can see that they aren’t enjoying the snow that has blown into the run despite the roof overhead! They are pretty much trying to avoid it!

Glad they have plenty of shelters to use! They have the little light blue chicken coop with nesting box, the little green chicken house, and the dark blue hen condo to use! Despite the feeding station having fairly good cover, snow is still blowing into that area today, unfortunately. 

Normally, during the day, you would see my hens roaming around in the run areas throughout the day! But you can tell by the foot prints in the snow, every now and then they are making their way to the food and water, thankfully! 

9:16 AM

9:16 AM

9:16 AM

9:50 AM; Most of my 14 hens (I think I counted 12) hanging out in the hen condo! Never see this many hanging out like this during the day!

In these next videos, my hens trying their best to avoid the snow that as blown inside the run!

4:33 AM

5:33 AM

6:46 AM

8:06 AM

9:11 AM

8:03 AM

3:30 AM

8:11 AM

3:37 AM

8:07 AM

3:36 AM

9:16 AM

9:16 AM

9:16 AM

9:16 AM

9:14 AM

9:50 AM

And the rest are between 9 AM and 10 AM

The snow blew onto my 3-sided and covered balcony off the master suite! I swept away most of the snow and moved the chairs to limit snow accumulation on them! I still enjoy hanging out on the balcony, even during a nor’easter, LOL!! 


  1. Replies
    1. TY!! I do love our property! But more so in the spring and summer when there’s always something blooming! So pretty!


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