Rail Replacement Started!

We are in the process of replacing the rail on the balcony! It was never built correctly prior to us moving here. The long section in the middle is just too long and is weak. Plus whomever built did not use one long piece of rail on the top or bottom! There was one long piece  plus a short piece on the top; and same in the bottom. The shirt pieces were opposite one another to maximize the strength of the rail but, still, not safe by any means! I would never lean on it that’s for sure! But if someone was to loose their balance and bump into that rail, there was a risk of it giving way! 

Just started! A ways to go but we have all of the wood and supplies that we need to get it done! Will be adding a center post between the two main posts. We have a metal post support that will make it very sturdy when installed. 

Bottom post support is being installed onto the new middle post! We’ll cut the new post to size once the post support is completely installed. We wanted to wait until the support was on so we could measure the height of the post correctly! 

Post is just about installed! 

We needed to raise the rail higher so we had to extend the two existing posts higher. We can’t replace the two existing posts with taller posts since the posts go all the way down to the ground to support the balcony. This was the only way we could extend them. Not aesthetically ideal but they will be super strong! One of the posts, on the left, is slightly twisted so that one was a challenge. 

Still have to take down the 2 end rails and put up the new rails and then the balusters will be installed. Can’t wait until this is all done! We’re having the house re-stained soon so it will be stained at that time. 


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