Solar Lighting System

I installed this system a few weeks ago: Four bulbs, main hub and solar panel. The main hub holds the charge from the solar panel, and all four bulbs are plugged into the main hub. The bulbs will only light up after sunset. And only the bulbs that I leave turned on, individually, will turn on. And they will turn off at sunrise. Although, I just remembered if I want the bulbs on during the day for any reason, I can easily unplug the solar panel from the hub, which will bypass the off at sunrise, on at sunset feature. Evidently, the solar panel, not the hub, has the sensor in it. I think once the solar panel doesn’t have enough light to charge the hub, it tells the hub to turn on the lights. There is also a main On/Off button in the hub that allows me to control all of the bulbs at once. And each individual bulb has its own switch as well, which allows me to turn on, or off, whichever bulbs I want individually. 

I was having difficulty figuring out which switches go to which bulbs so I just labeled each switch. One bulb is in the little chicken coop, one is in the hen condo, one is in the feeding station, and one is near the entrance to the run, by the gate. 

GVSHINE Solar Pendant Lighting System with Cell Phone Charger: Solar Lighting System

Here is the system, best shown at night! It’s great to have good lighting at the chicken run, both inside and outside the run! The solar bulbs are all within the run. On the outside, all around the run (exterior), I have a totally different type of solar lights that turn on only when motion is sensed, and only at night. They are great in that if a predator was to approach at night, at least one light will turn on (whichever light(s) are triggered, and potentially scare it away! I truly believe this might be a big part of the reason why I have never had a predator issue with my gals! My neighbors (two) have had issues with predators that have killed their chickens, and ducks. 

Anyway, here is my solar bulb lighting system with switches that are now labeled for me, so I know which switches control which bulbs! Awesome! 

A well-lit chicken coop!!  


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