WiFi Cam Updates!

My two additional WiFi cams arrived today! I got them both set up and connected, and added to the app! Now I have a total of three WiFi cams monitoring my hens! The first one was placed inside the hen condo. That was my test cam, with the goal of getting two more if everything worked well! With the addition of my WiFi extender, it was very successful! So I proceeded with the purchase of the other two cams! 

Installation complete! It’s nighttime now so all of the hens are inside. But these are my three views! 

Inside the hen condo:

And two views of the run areas, feeding station and water basin: 

And the other side where the chicken house and hen house are! They use these houses to lay eggs. And when I add young pullets to my flock, and they’re too small to mix with the older ones, they live in the bottom of the chicken house (the large house) plus part of the top area for sleeping at night. Works great for introducing everyone safely! 


AWESOME! I just figured out how to view all three WiFi cams at one time in my Zmodo app!! YAY! SWEET!! 


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