Update: Nurse Figurines!

All of my new nurse figurines are now in and I just love them! Here they are! 

And the old ones added to the new ones: 

And here they are on display in my hutch:

I just love the new lighting I added! Looks so pretty and ambient! 


  1. Wow! That sure is a lot of nursing figurines! Looks beautiful!

  2. TY! I love them! I’ve been a nurse for 30 years; actually it’ll be 31 years next month! I wish I had collected nurse figurines all along but now I made up for it! Something I can pass on to my daughter-in-law who is a nurse practitioner! And who knows, maybe my granddaughter will end up in the nursing field and, if so, she might appreciate GiGi’s nurse figurines someday! ❤️


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