So Far So Good!

UPDATE: click here to see my latest blog! 

I went ahead and bid on this item on eBay! So far so good! I’m winning, am the only bid so far, and have some leeway with my set max bid! Less than 24 hours to go! Fingers crossed nobody else comes along to bid on it too! If I can get it for this price I’ll be totally thrilled! 


I also just compared this one to the most expensive one on eBay that’s selling for $275! I’m not really sure what the difference is between the two except the signatures. And the one I bid on still has the label intact, and I don’t see any label on the more expensive one! And there is no COA or original box for either one! 

The first photo is the bottom of the one I bid on. The second photo is the bottom of the one that’s more expensive! The signatures look different. And the one I bid appears white as compared to the other one. But the difference in the color could be the lighting:  

And the one I bid on has the intact label. It also has the traditional Hummel etch in the base, just like the expensive one. 

The one I bid on: 

The more expensive one. I don’t see any label: 

Here is the title as well as the full description for the one I bid on: 

And here is the title and full description for the expensive one: 

In summary, maybe it’s the difference in the signature? 

Here’s the bottom of one that’s going for $229. This one has an intact label but no COA or original box: 

This one is going for $129.50. It still has an intact label, no COA or original box, and per the full description, it’s from 1983 and not 1972 like all of the rest, including the one I’m bidding on! 

There’s another one going for $129.99 but it only has one photo and a lousy description. It doesn’t show the bottom of it or the label but it comes with the certificate of authenticity (COA). It also doesn’t state the year anywhere in the ad! I didn’t bother posting the one, lousy photo from the ad for this one! Who would spend this much on something with only one photo that doesn’t include photos of the bottom and all sides? I would also want to see the photo of the COA too! Most sellers include a photo of the COA if there is one. And I certainly wouldn’t waste my time messaging the seller! If they want to sell something, especially at this price, they need to be forthcoming and provide all information right up front! Only an idiot would purchase from an idiot seller! LOL! 

And here’s one that’s going for $95 or best offer. Only three photos, one of the bottom. None of the photos show enough to see if the label is there but it doesn’t appear to be present. Here is the bottom of this one. No COA or original box: 

Here’s one that’s going for $92 and has the label intact; no COA Or original box:   

This one is going for $119.95. The bottom has some Caribbean logo added to it. No COA or original box and dies have the label intact.: 

There’s also one from 1982 that is going for $100 but no photo of the bottom and I can’t see if the label is intact. No COA or original box noted. I’m not bothering with any photos for this one either. 

Then there are a few more that are either 1980’s and not 1972; and some that I can’t tell what the year is because the seller doesn’t state the year and the year is not visible in the photo of the bottoms of them. 

The more I look, the more I know that if I win this Hummel tomorrow evening, at or below my set max bid, I’ll be thrilled! 

To me, the signatures all look totally different. So they must get signed by different artists in the company as Hummels are all hand painted, and them assigned a number. Not sure if each artist counts up individually or if the company as a whole assigns them going up among all of the artists that hand paint them? And I believe the different artists also drive the value. Some artists are more liked than others. So a popular artist will also drive up the value. 

But as far as the assigned numbers go: The most expensive one on EBay appears to have a number zero? So maybe it’s worth a lot more because it might have been the first one completed? Maybe the signature is that of a more valued artist? 

The one I bid in has number 88, which, by the way is my son’s birth year so I think it’s awesome for this reason too! LOL! The one going for $229 has number 97 though. I always thought that the higher the number the less valuable it is? But there’s no consistency to this on eBay. But then again, I think people just throw prices out there too. Some may know exactly what there’s is worth and others have no clue or are using an estimate from years ago? Also, the economy has a lot to do with pricing too. If the economy is bad people just aren’t buying things like Hummels. If they’re just not selling, it drives the prices down. Or you hang onto them until the economy is better; unless you need to sell now because you need the money to survive in the current economy. 

Anyway, bottom line is that if I win the bid, I believe I’m getting a great deal on it! I hope so anyway! But, I’m also not into making money off Hummels. I’m

Buying them to enjoy for years to come and to one day pass them along to my family to do with them what they want. 

I had written about this in my most recent blog, as follows: 

There is one more nurse Hummel that I really, really want and definitely plan to purchase! This one is far more costly than all of the others, which were all under $25 including shipping! I’m watching one on eBay that is only available at auction with about 2 days left to go. My goal is to bid on it at the very end and try to win this for the least amount possible! There are no bids at this time. All of the others I have seen are selling for $80+. Before I bid I’ll do a final search to be sure there aren’t any new ones posted for less, which is doubtful. If I can win this for around $50, that’ll be a great deal for this Hummel! 

Here is the most expensive one on eBay! I realize there are likely differences based on the Hummel-assigned number and when they were casted and painted and all of that. But I’m not interested in spending more than $50-$60 on a Hummel! These are more for my enjoyment and just something to eventually pass on to my daughter-in-law, who is a Nurse Practitioner! I’m sure she will enjoy these as much as I do.  

UPDATE - 5/1/23! 

It’s almost mine!! Minutes to go! Hoping to get this for $49.99! I’m the only bidder at the moment with my max bid set to $61.99! But $49.99 would be awesome! Fingers crossed that nobody bids on it last second! So excited!

I won the bid at $49.99! Yipppeeee!!! Sooooo excited!!! 


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